Joined Fanlists

Below are the fanlistings I've joined through the years, organized by the official fanlisting categories they fall under. Not all are current links, since sadly many have closed, but I still keep them here because even if they're no longer online, I'm still a fan and I like to show the image codes.

Showing listings under the Characters: Book/Movie category...

A Song of Ice and Fire: Jaime LannisterA Song of Ice and Fire: Oberyn MartellA Song of Ice and Fire: Theon GreyjoyGame of Thrones: Loras TyrellGame of Thrones: Renly BaratheonGame of Thrones: Sansa StarkHarry Potter: Albus DumbledoreHarry Potter: Remus LupinHarry Potter: Ron WeasleyInception: ArthurThor (2011): LokiTwilight: Jacob BlackTwilight: the Volturi

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