
to a fanlisting collective

Hello and welcome to Yuuka's fanlisting collective. Here you will find my joined fanlistings as well as my curently owned fanlistings. All are listed at The Anime Fanlistings Network and The Fanlistings Network. Take a look around and join any that you like. If you have a fanlisting collective you would like to affiliate with, please contact me.

You are viewing the ninth version of this collective, featuring Sakuma Ritsu from Ensemble Stars!! The previous layout had been up since August 2016, which is a really long time lol. The current layout was made in June 2021. For collective and fanlisting updates, see the updates log.

Collective Stats

Total owned: 56 fanlistings. Total members: 6535 (+0 pending). Total Joined 285 fanlistings. Newest fanlisting: Aldebaran.

Ephemeral FL Collective Directory